Arenal Volcano National Park is one of the most visited national parks in Costa Rica for many reasons.
Tourist come here to experience Nature at its fullest. In a small area around this mighty volcano, one can do so many things related to the natural surroundings. The volcano seems to emit positive energy and one can rejuvenate in spirit and body.
All the outdoor nature activities would more than fill this page. So I am going to mention my favorite ones. Natural hot springs- Tabacon Hot Springs, Eco Thermales Hot Springs, and Baldi Hot Springs, Paradise Hot Springs--Relax and have a therapeutic massage!
Sky Trek Zip line is great! As well as Mundo Adventura zip line. Sky Trek takes you to the top of the mountain in a glass gondola and Mundo Adventura rides you up in a trailor pulled by a tractor and then you have to walk up further to get to the first platform of zip line.
Desafio Tour company is located on the town square of La Fortuna and offers a wide range of out door activities.
Arenal Volcano was dormant until 1968 when it suddenly and violently erupted towards it western face, throwing rock sup to one ton plus hot steam and lava. The lasted for several days and destroyed crops, livestock, and three small villages- Tabacon, Pueblo Neuvo and San Luis. Before it was all over eighty one people were killed. The volcano continued to attract viewers and curious people and became the largest tourist attraction in Costa Rica.
It had violent eruptions again in 1975, 1984, 1993, and 1998. Today in 2013 the volcano is dormant but one day surely it will erupt again.
If you are planning a vacation to Costa Rica you must include this area of the Arenal
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Volcano in you vacation plans and experience some of the most exciting outdoor activities in the country. "The Costa Rica Learn Travel Company can help you plan your itinerary. Ann is an expert on "Arenal and all it has to offer" Contact her at