Sunday, May 24, 2009

Costa Rica Unique Ecotourism Destinations for the Nature Lover

[caption id="attachment_1037" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Arenal Volcano"]Arenal Volcano[/caption]

Tortuguero Canals

Tortuguero Canals

Rancho Margot

Rancho Margot

img_0233While working many years  as a travel agent specializing in Costa Rica, I have had the opportunity to explore most of this small unique country , now on the forefront of  "World Ecotourism"

I have my special places which I feel are the most Unique  ecotourism destinations for the nature lover  traveling to Costa Rica , and I highly recommend them to every ecotourist.

Nature Lover's Paradise:  Unique ecotourism Destinations

1. Tortuguero national park on the Caribbean (Atlanta) side of Costa Rica.   Please read my extensive article ( with photos) on Mawamba Lodge and the Tortuguero Canals.  Go to page one of  go to the search box and type in tortuguero canals.

Or find them on the web

2. Poas Volcano National Park, approximately 15 miles north of Alajuela in the "central valley"  Poas is inactive at the moment.  It is a very large geyser.  You can look down into the geyser which is spectacular.  It is a large blue-green gurgling pool of hot steam.  Please read my extensive article with photos about Poas Volcano.  Go the page 1 of costaricalearn  to the search box, upper right hand side,   Type in Poas Volcano.   OR on the web

3. Doka Plantation Four Generations Coffee Tour,  Costa Rica , on the road to Poas Volcano, five miles outside of Alajuela.  A must do tour.  Learn all about coffee, how it is hand picked, processed, and packaged up according to its quality.  Taste several varieties and make your own decision and take some  home with  you. Check them out on the web

4. Arenal Volcano National Park and Arenal Lake, Costa Rica.  Most popular tourist destination in Costa Rica.  Read all about it by going to page 1 and in the search box at top of page on right- type Arenal Volcano National Park or find them on the


5. Rincon de la Vieja National Park, in north central Costa Rica    A very unique destination!  Please go to page 1 of costaricalearn.  Go to the search box at the top of the page and type in rincon de la vieja.  There you will see my extensive article on this volcano along with photos.

OR find it on the web

6. Corcovado National Park and Cano Island  south western Pacific.  One of the most remote national park in Costa Rica.  Filled with wildlife and birds.  Here you will experience a primary   rain forest with unusual trees,  some with buttress of 4 meters in diameter.  It is recommended to explore this park with a guide.  Do not go in alone.  It is dense and unforgiving.  Cano Island can be reached by boat thru a tour company-located out of the jungle lodges around Corcovado.  Uninhabited , Cano Island is a reminder of Robinson Crusoe.  With beautiful long stretches of unspoiled beaches to stroll upon. It is a day trip from the mainland.  One cannot sleep on the island.   Read more about Corcovado on the web

Special Interest tours- can be done in 1/2 day or 1 day

1. Rancho Margot- Arenal Volcano, Lake Arenal  This is a self sustaining ranch  (learning center) where all the food is grown organically, electricity is by water powered generator,  setting  is a unique rain forest with views to Lake Arenal and a mighty river runs  through the middle of the property.  This is a nature lovers paradise. Take a guided tour of the ranch or  horseback ride to the summit with magnificent views of Lake Arenal.    The ranch has several very nice bungalows to house their guest and an excellent restaurant.  It also has a yoga center situated on the banks of the river.  You can learn all about this unique place on the web please read my in depth article  (with photos)   Go to page one of costaricalearn , top right is the search box.  Type in Rancho Margot

2. Sloth refuge, Aviarios  del Caribe located  approx. 19  miles south of Limon on the Caribbean  coast.  Here injured sloths are nursed back  to health  and released into their natural habitat in the Costa Rica jungle.  Judy and her husband Larry, creators of this refuge, offer a tour for around $14 per person.  You see the baby sloths and learn first hand about the strange creature's life style.   Buttercup, a mature sloth rescued from the middle of the highway when she was only a few months old,  is the star of the refuge. This is indeed a unique place.  Please read my more detailed article (with photos) on Aviarios del Caribe.  Go to the first page of costaricalearn , the search box  at top of page type in Aviarios del Caribe sloth refuge costa rica.

Or find them on the web

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