Saturday, August 22, 2009

Costa Rica's Exotic Flower, The Orchid Plus Other Exotic Plants

[caption id="attachment_2170" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption="Yellow Iris,  Lake Arenal"]Yellow Iris found by Lake Arenal[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2171" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption="Very Rare Cattleya, Scent of chocolate, La Paz Waterfall Gardens"]Very Rare Cattleya, Scent of chocolate, La paz Waterfall Gardens[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2172" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption="Passion flower ,  Arenal Volcano"]Passion flower found around Arenal Volcano[/caption]

Exotic Fan Plant found in Tortuguero on the Caribbean

Exotic Fan Plant,  Tortuguero on the Caribbean

Miniature purple orchid on a bromeliad

Miniature purple orchid on a bromeliad, Lobby Ramada Hotel

[caption id="attachment_2173" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption="Flame Azalea, High Altitudes around Poasito"]Flame Azalea, High Altitudes around Pasito[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2162" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption="Phalaenopsis, among the easiest to grow"]Phalaenopsis, among the easiest to grow[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2163" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption="Phalaenopsis pale purple"]Phalaenopsis  pale purple[/caption]


  1. Great.
    The "iris" is a canna Lilly.
    The "cattleya" is a stanhopia hybrid called chocolate chips.
    The "bromeliad" is tillandsia cyanea and the purple are flower bracts, not orchids.
    The fan plant is a palm called bismarkia nobilis.
    Your score is 50%.

  2. Hello Douger, Seems that you are much more of an expert so thanks for the scientific names. Ann
