Saturday, December 15, 2012

December High Tourism Season in Costa Rica-Weather is Beautiful!

December begins high tourist season in Costa Rica  and the weather is dry and sunny especially in the central valley of Alajuela and San Jose as well as the gorgeous beaches of NW Pacific Guanacaste and central Pacific of Jaco and Manuel Antonio.

Christmas season in December in Costa Rica. Yes,  everyone is out enjoying the sunny weather  and hurrying  about doing  their Christmas shopping.  Homes are decorated with brightly colored lights.  The Christian Religion is taken very seriously and manger scenes of Baby Jesus are visible in front of many homes and all the churches.

Employees receive a 13th salary in the month of December so there is extra money to spend and all are in the buying mood.  Stores are very crowded and all are in the joyful holiday spirit of giving.

Midnight mass on Christmas Eve-December 24th is the most important religious occasion.   And then on 25th many families head out to the beaches to stay until January 2nd.

Also the beaches are covered with tourists -young and old.  Surfing, sunbathing, or just lounging around the pool--all seem to be basking in the warm sunshine after 6 months of rainy season in Costa Rica or escaping the snowfall in North America.

The Spaniards brought Christianity to Costa Rica in the early 1500s.  And their architecture is reflected in many Catholic churches around the country. And still today, Costa Rica is predominately Catholic.  Catholic religion is taught in the public school so there is no separation of church and state.

So from from all of us at costaricalearn  we wish you a merry Christmas and a very prosperous New Year!

[caption id="attachment_4861" align="alignleft" width="640" caption="Catholic Church San Ramon"][/caption]

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What is a Horse "Tope" ?

A horse tope is a traditional parade of horses which is very popular in Costa Rica.  Both the horses and the riders dress up in their finest for this big event.   Many of the saddles are trimmed in real silver.  The horses prance and dance much to their owners delight.   It is in a sense a competition to see whose horse can prance and perform the best.

December is a great month to attend a horse tope.  Many of the small town host their own and San Jose has a very large one usually on December 26th.

Many of the horses are of Andalusian (Spanish) breed and are gorgeous animals.  Alajuela hosts a large tope usually on March 1st every year.

Here is a website that tells when many of the topes are held and the location and times.

Click here to see a Horse Tope




Sunday, December 2, 2012

Vacation Planner Costa Rica

[caption id="attachment_4841" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Rain forest 300 years old"][/caption]

Why would I want to hire a vacation planner to help me with my itinerary planning for my vacation to Costa Rica?  I can go on the internet and find everything I want to do and choices of hotels.

Well, a vacation planner like Ann at  could make a big difference for you.  Yes, the internet will give you a lot of information but it cannot give you the details like Ann can.  She can tell you the distances and driving times to and from the most popular tourist destinations in Costa Rica.  If you look at a map the distances look short but these roads are mountainous and driving times are much longer than they appear on the map.

The Hotels Ann recommend have been visited by her and checked by her.  The website of a property can say what they want to about their property.

The car rental company she recommends has been used many times by her and her clients so she know they are reliable and competitive with pricing.

Ann has been working in Costa Rica tourism for 12 years so she knows her product and offers you testimonials from her satisfied clients.   She listens to what you would like to do, the time you have,  and most of all your budget  (yes, she can make it affordable) and "matches it all up for you"

She will put the "pieces of the puzzle" together and in the end you will spend  your vacation time more wisely and with much less frustration if you try and do it by yourself just with the internet.

She is paid by commission by the properties and products she sell so there is no additional cost for you.  OR  you can have Ann design your itinerary and you can book it yourself and simply pay her a fee.  Typically a 7 day vacation itinerary is around $75-$100.  And this amount of money you will get back right away by savings on the itinerary she designs.

So get started planning that affordable vacation to Costa Rica today!  It's simple-This is all done by email and phone.  Simply click here

[caption id="attachment_4836" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Arenal volcano"][/caption]



Saturday, December 1, 2012

Marie-France Grenouillet- Photography Costa Rica

Mair-France Grenouillet is a French woman who travels the world capturing beautiful and rare wildlife images.  She visited Costa Rica and has a wonderful collection of wildlife photography which I would like to share with you.  After her web page is open be sure to click on slide show. You will really enjoy it!

click here

Costa Rica's Red Eye Tree Frog

Wandering through the Costa Rica rain forest the other day my friend Renee and I stumbled upon a beautiful small green frog, about the size of a small tea cup, and when we picked up the green leaf it was hidden under, all of a sudden, it's vivid scarlet  eyes popped out and its body turned even a brighter green and spread wide its small yellow webbed feet.  About the cutest frog I have ever seen!  It as a Red Eye Tree Frog.  Lucky us-- because although these frogs are not yet endangered, it's a rare delight to see one.

Costa Rica's rainforest is home to hundreds of these little frogs and  it's highly recognizable image is used to promote "saving the world's rainforest"

This  friendly, non venomous creature, doesn't mind having  his photograph taken.  Here are 2 beautiful photos.  Thanks to National Geographic  (first photo) and  also to Marie-France Grenouillet, a French woman who is a professional photographer who travels the world capturing beautiful and rare wildlife images. (Second  photo)

You can see more of Marie's beautiful photographs taken in Costa Rica

Click here


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Art Gallery in La Fortuna-Arenal Area "Galeria Coco Loco"

Galeria Coco Loco is an art gallery located near La Fortuna-Arenal Volcano area of Costa Rica , feathering a wide variety of beautiful and one of a kind pieces of art.  Including, oil Paintings by local Costa Rican Artist, one of a kind hand made jewelry pieces designed and crafted by artists living in the near by town of Cuidad Quesada.  Tapestries  hand made by  Guatemala artisans include handbags, bedspreads,  tablecloths, and more.

The gallery is owned and operated by Ruth Deiseroth-Kweton from Germany.   She  attended Staedel School of Fine Arts in Frankfort, Germany.  Her art work is the centerpiece of the studio.  Her pieces are inspired by her confrontations and interaction with the cultures of Yemen, Saudia Arabia, and Niger where she lived and worked as a medical consultant before giving this up to study art of the Staedel School of Fine Arts.  Most of the time Ruth is available at the gallery to discuss her art.

Ruth and her husband immigrated to Costa Rica and bought a twenty acre farm, wanting to be close to the Arenal Volcano area.  They loved the climate, lush tropical vegetation, and the warmth of the Costa Rica People.

The art in the above photos is by Ruth and is for sale in Gallery Coco Loco.  Also the other photo is of Ruth.

Also Ruth has a cottage on the property which she rents.  It's a one bedroom cottage.   Hummingbird Cottage B&B . You can see this on her website which you can reach by clicking the link below.

Location:  FROM SAN RAMON-On the road to the Arenal Volcano and La Fortuna -- near the community of Chachagua.  Keep your eyes open and you cannot miss it.  It is on the right hand side of the road with a big colorful sign Galeria Coco Loco.

The prices are very reasonable.  My friend Renee and I stopped by and bought jewelry as gifts for friends back home.  They were one of a kind pieces, finely crafted and as I said not expensive.

Visit Ruth's website where you can view the work of the many artist she represents  click here


Saturday, October 20, 2012

What is it Like to Live in Costa Rica?

I would like to thank  for this informative article related to living in Costa Rica.   Click here to see how you can link up with expatriates in the city you are living.

 LIVING IN COSTA RICA ---"Tico at Heart"  - Costa Rica’s Population
Costa Rica is becoming more and more popular among travelers and expats alike. This is not surprising, as its beautiful beaches, vast rainforests, and its flora and fauna, turn this country into a paradise. What people residing in Costa Rica   often appreciate the most, however, is the country’s local population: the Ticos and Ticas. The origin of this rather affectionate nickname lies in the locals’ usage of the diminutive form: unlike what is common in the Spanish language, they would end more or less every word with the suffix “tico” instead of “ito” (i.e. poquitico, instead of poquito). The name stuck.
Ticos share a strong cultural identity and show pride in their nation and their society. In fact, a classic folk song boldly states that “I’m Latino inside, but Tico at heart.” This cultural pride also reflects in the attitude towards Costa Rica’s cultural treasures. 26% of the country’s landscape is protected by law and the population takes great interest in preserving the local rain forests with its unique flora and fauna.
Costa Rica’s society consists of a multitude of ethnic groups and minorities. Most people who live in Costa Rica are either Creole, i.e. descendants of the Spanish conquerors, or mestizo which means that they have both Spanish and Indio ancestors. However,  part of the society is also made up of Indios, of descendants of African slaves, and of Asian and European minority groups. All in all, the population of more than 4.6 million people forms a society which is aware of its different cultural influences. Approximately 800,000 of these people are  Nicaraguans who presently live and work in Costa Rica.
In general, Ticos are incredibly friendly, open, and welcoming people. Joy of life is prevalent in Costa Rica, just like the motto “Pura Vida”. One thing that might occasionally throw travelers and expats off is that Ticos seem to have a different perception of personal space than people from Western Europe, for instance. Touching is much more common among acquaintances, for instances. At the same time, people like to take the time to chat and find out more about you. The family is a popular topic of conversation, as it is considered very  important in Costa Rica. Other favorite points of discussion are dancing and soccer, two of the Ticos’ favorite pastimes.
On the downside, machismo is still very common in Costa Rica, both in rural areas and bigger cities. While it may take quite some time to get used to, it might be best for women to ignore the constant staring and whistles  and  take it with humor. In general, Ticos value a peaceful coexistence. Thus, they often beat around the bush and do not like getting into a confrontation of any kind.  With time, however, you will get used to their “yes but no” attitude and learn to appreciate the Ticos for their welcoming, friendly character.

What would a foreign person living in Costa Rica like best about this small country?  Probably it would be the gentle, warm friendliness of its people.  Second is the weather-"forever spring"  Never to hot and never to cold.  A rainy season which brings warm breezes and afternoon rains  and is from around  May  15 through  around November 30th.

The dry season of mid December through April is sunny with  clear deep blue skies.  Tourism is very popular during this time, when thousands come to explore the  mountains and rainforest and enjoy the beautiful beaches. Heliconia

Costa Rica is filled with gorgeous flowering tropcial plants.  This is in the Heliconia Family.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Adventure Travel in Costa Rica



"One wilderness just doesn’t seem to be enough; your soul quickly calls for more"

When you get dirty, you improve your physical health. Scientists have recently reported that our modern obsession with cleanliness might be leading to a rise in allergies, asthma, and inflammatory bowel disease. Getting dirty could just be the best path to developing a strong immune system.  Getting out there into the GREAT OUDOORS can get the cobwebs out of your brain, strengthen your muscles,  boost your curiosity, and keep you young.

Outdoor activities can prevent (or treat) a wide range of health problems.  Obesity, mental lethargy, and the worst of them all depression.

3) There are no age limits on adventure. Anyone can make nature a playground. Adventure travel is an activity you can stick with for life.

4) Take a hike, get a bigger brain. Research indicates that hiking or walking grows brains. Typically, your hippocampus gets smaller once you hit your mid fifties, leading to memory loss.

Adventure travel feeds your dreams .    DREAM - PLAN-  GO -  SHARE   Experiencing one wilderness just doesn’t seem to be enough; your mind and body  quickly calls for more.

COSTA RICA is the perfect playground for natural outdoor adventure.

  1. Hike the national parks

  2. Snorkel or scuba dive in the wonders of 2 oceans.  The Pacific and the Caribbean Sea

  3. Fishing

  4. Improve your vocabulary with new words such as “pura vida”  or pure life.  This is a Costa Rica saying which means a life with less stress, living closer to nature, eating more natural foods, plenty of fresh air and out door activities.

  5. Not living in a big hurry all the time.  Putting friends and family first.

  6. Rainforest excursions

  7. 7. Horseback riding

  8. canyoning

  9. ATV adventures

  10. kayaking

  11. white water rafting

 For an Adventure Vacation in Costa Rica contact Ann.  She will help you design your itinerary to fit just your needs.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Doka Coffee Tour, Alajuela Costa Rica


Let’s take the Doka-Four Generations Coffee Tour and learn how coffee is grown, processed, marketed.  The Vargus Ruiz family has been growing great tasting coffee for Three  generations right here on the slopes of the Poas Volcano in the central Valley of Costa Rica.

Climate and altitude affect the taste of coffee and here at the Doka Coffee Tour the altitude is just about perfect at 4,000 feet above sea level and the eternal spring weather is just what coffee needs to grow.  The guided tour takes about one and one half hours.

You will learn about the different varieties of coffee cultivated here and how it is processed and then roasted to get the different blends.  You can buy these blends here at the tour to take home with  you as gifts or for your own consumption.

If you visit in December thru mid February you can see first hand how the coffee is processed.

Some of the coffee beans are roasted and sold within Costa Rica and other beans  are exported.   Star Bucks buys some of their coffee beans from Doka Three Generations coffee plantation.

We tasted three different roasts  of the bean.  Dark roast, light roast, and French blend.
My favorite is the dark roast.

I highly recommend this tour.  It is truly an education on coffee obtained in a very fun way. You can see up close the beautiful green coffee bushes with their red beans  (mid November through mid February)  In the month of May the plant has a sweet smelling small white flow.  The field looks like snow has fallen.
And then comes the green coffee bean and in mid November it starts to turn red and is ready to pick.  Coffee is picked entirely by hand and here in Costa Rica mostly by Nicaraguans who come during the picking season just to pick the coffee.  All ages arrive at daylight to pick, even small children.  All seem to enjoy picking and make a social event of it.

Entrance fee to the tour is approximately $14 per person.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Car Rental in Costa Rica

I have many inquiries related to renting a car in Costa Rica.  If one goes on the web sites of the different car rental companies, you will find the total cost of the car rental is not well explained.  Especially the cost of the insurance.  There are two types of insurance you have to purchase.  1. Liability (you can buy 80%  liability or for a little more money you can buy 100% liability insurance.)    2.  The collision insurance  which is the more expensive of the two.  Call the car rental company or send them an email and ask them to explain these two insurances and  the total cost of renting the vehicle.  Also you are required to leave a credit card voucher signed for what they call "the deductible" in case of an accident.  This can be up to $1000 depending on how expensive the vehicle is that you rent.  This voucher is torn up when you turn the vehicle in and there is no damage.

Insurance in Costa Rica will not pay if you are caught drinking while driving, consuming illegal drugs, or driving into and across rivers or large puddles of water   (reckless driving)

You will need to rent a SUV type of vehicle if you plan to drive in remote areas where the roads are dirt and gravel and have a lot of potholes.

You need to have your passport and your drivers license from your home country with you while driving.

Observe all speed limits, esp going thru small towns.  The police are usually sitting in these areas and traffic tickets are EXPENSIVE.  Do not pay a traffic cop for the ticket.  Take it back to the car rental agency and they will help you get it paid.

In case of accident dial 911  and a police will arrive.  Also call your rental car agency. Do not move the vehicle.

"Best Deals for Costa Rica Car Rentals"  This is a car rental web site that is very good if you are thinking of renting a vehicle in Costa Rica. Click here



Thursday, September 6, 2012

Great Hostel Stays in Costa Rica

COSTA RICA  is a small country filled with spectacular outdoor adventure activities, and is a great place for all ages to enjoy the rain forest experience of colorful tropical birds, monkeys, and age old trees hundreds of years old with buttresses 3 meters in width.    So, if you happen to be on a budget, one of the many hostels in Costa Rica might be just for you.   Prices range from $10 per night per person for dorm rooms  on up to slightly higher  prices for private rooms.  But still prices will be less than a hotel.  All of the major tourist destinations have one or more hostels to choose from.

Why choose a hostel stay?  Many reasons:  If you want to experience Costa Rica and are on a budget, this is a great way.  You can make new friends  because the hostel experience is more personal.  You have options of a private room with private baths or  less expensive dorm rooms with shared baths.  You might say--"well hostels are noisy and I have trouble sleeping at night."  I have a  remedy for that . I use a small electric fan fan as a noise blocker machine which I set next to my bed. It makes a soft humming noise which blocks out all the background noise, and additionally it provides a breeze if I am in a not climate.

I want to tell you about a web site that can help you with finding hostels in Costa Rica as well as OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD.  These people do a lot of research on the hostels before they list them on their site.  They have a lot of Costa Rica Hostels listed  so you have a lot of options to explore at

I am going to write about just a few hostels in Costa Rica so you can get an idea.   But do check out the above web site because their listings of hostels in Costa Rica are a lot more extensive and you can finds many more options there.  Very important--If  connecting  to WI FI  is important to you then  read the web site of each hostel  to determine if  this is offered.

The Arenal Backpacker Resort in La Fortuna, Costa Rica  is a great place to stay if you are budget minded.   GREAT LOCATION!  Great view of the mighty Arenal  which is only  four miles away. It has a lot of amenities offered by larger hotels  (pool, restaurant, tour desk) but at budget prices.  Located conveniently in the small town of La Fortuna, the gateway to the Arenal Volcano National park, you can walk to restaurants, the bus stops, the grocery store, and everything else in town.   You get out of the public bus and you are right there, within walking distance of it all.   You have a variety of sleeping options to choose from at the hostel.   You can get a private room with 2 queen beds with orthopedic mattresses and a private bath which will cost you a little more than a dorm sleeping arrangement.  Or, you can also choose the new concept of elevated tents located outside on the hostel’s grounds.

The very tasty restaurant serves typical Costa Rica food plus you can purchase a hearty breakfast complete with fresh local tropical fruits for a reasonable price.   A tour desk is set up to help you purchase any tour you would choose in the area from  zip lines to horseback riding, to hot springs, to river rafting, to tours of organic farms, to Cano Negro Wildlife reserve.   The view of Arenal Volcano  on a clear day is spectacular.  You are only 5 miles from base of the volcano.  It’s a great place to meet new friends and practice a little Spanish.  I recommend it!

Heading for Monteverde, Costa Rica and are looking for budget lodging at a good value.  Well, Mariposa Bed and Breakfast offers just that.  Conventiently located 1.5 km from the entrance to the Monteverde Cloud Forest reserve in a beautiful forest setting, this little hotel is great for the budget minded traveler.   You will get a full Costa Rican breakfast with the price of the room.  Yes, tropical fresh fruit, homemade tortillas, and farm grown eggs. The rooms are comfortable with hot water showers. Mariposa B&B is owned by a family from Monteverde and they take pride is their establishment.  They will take time to tell you about all the attractions in the area and put you in contact with the tour operators and local guides.  You can reach them at 2 645 5013  (local call inside Costa Rica)

Check out Backpackers Manuel Antonio for comfortable affordable lodging. It is conveniently  located in the small town of Quepos (waking distance from the public bus stop) just 4 miles from entrance to Manuel Antonio National Park.  It is walking distance  to restaurants, grocery stores, etc.  Also, there is a bus which leaves Quepos every  hour to take you to the Manuel Antonio Beaches and entrance to the park and  costs only around one dollar. Backpackers Manuel Antonio has its own swimming pool, WI FI, and you have the choice of private room with hot bath or a dorm room with shared bath.  Its a great place to meet fellow travelers. And as I said the location is very good.





Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Discover Costa Rica's Five Natural Wonders

Costa Rica is simply one big Natural Wonder.  I would like to tell you about five of the most wonderful.

The first of these natural wonders is the Arenal Volcano which unexpectedly erupted in  1968  destroying the village located on it’s north face and killing sixty people.
Since then the volcano has been producing small eruptions daily until around eighteen months ago  when it simply just stopped, and no one knows why.
The Arenal Volcano is a big  attraction  which draws hundreds of tourist daily year round to experience the  outdoor adventure activities offered in the area surrounding the volcano.

The Blue River (Rio Celeste) is indeed a natural wonder, located around 2 hours north of the Arenal Volcano, it is the hottest new tourist destination.  And yes the water is blue.  Legend states that when God painted the sky blue, he dipped his bush in the water and turned the water blue.   Scientist will tell you the blue color comes  from minerals in the water.  Tourist enter the  gate to Tenorio Volcano National Park and hike around one hour to the big waterfall and bathe under the cool  blue water

Poas Volcano  (photo top left)located thirty minutes north of Alajuela  in the central valley of Costa Rica is the third Natural Wonder.  Tourist come here on day trips and if lucky can see the mile wide geyser spew hot water and stream hundreds of feet in the air.  Weather here is cool and damp and offers great hiking trails.

Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is Costa Rica’s fourth Natural Wonder.  It is a primary rain forest-cloud forest, literally located "in the clouds" four thousand feet above sea level.  The trees here are hundreds of years old and their canopies spread their wings and shut out the sunlight.  Underneath are thousands  of different species of plants, the most famous being the fern tree which grows ten feet in height.

The fifth Natural Wonder in Costa Rica is the remote Corcovado National Park, home to one of the last remaining lowland primary rain forest on earth.   Tourist come here to walk the trails where one can see Scarlet Macaws, Toucans, and several species of monkeys such as the howler and the white face.  And to take a boat to Cano Island where snorkeling and scuba diving are very popular.

[caption id="attachment_4730" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Rio Celeste waterfall"][/caption]


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Tica Granddaughter

My most adored granddaughter Cara Isabella  is part Tica--- age two years and four months. Her mother is my daughter, Maria Elena.  Cara Isabella's  grandfather was born in Costa Rica and went  to study medicine in Mexico at age 18 years.  Later he moved to the US to further his studies of Thoracic surgery  and there is where he met me.  We married and soon Maria Elena was born---part Tica and part Irish.

Cara Isabella is learning to speak the Spanish language to be able to speak to all of her cousins in Costa Rica.

[caption id="attachment_4716" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Cara Isabella-"La Tica""][/caption]


Maria Elena  and her husband John said that they dream of the day they can take Cara Isabella to visit Costa Rica.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Costa Rica is the land of the Volcanoes.  There are seven volcanoes.  Starting in the north  all the way to the southern border with Panama.  Most of them are extinct. The active ones are the Poas Volcano and the Arenal Volcano.  Many tourist from all over the world visit Costa Rica to see these natural wonders.

This is a video of the Volcanoes of Costa.  A beautiful piece of video work as well as beautiful music.  Enjoy it and thanks to Vicquial--  Victor Quiros--the creator of this fine piece of work.



Poas Volcano National Park

[caption id="attachment_4706" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Wildflowers of Poas Volcano National Park"][/caption]

Poas Volcano National Park  is located in the central valley of Costa Rica- approx eighteen miles north of the city of Alajuela (where the San Jose International Airport is located.)    Poas Volcano's  elevation is 8,000 feet above sea level thus the air is cool and moist.   The volcano is an active  geyser in that the one mile wide crater is a smoldering pool of  steam and sulphur gases producing acid rain and the smell of rotten eggs.    It is best to arrive as early as possible-park opens at 7:30 am-because clouds tend to cover the crater as the day progresses.  Although the constant winds will often blow the clouds away.  Just stick around for awhile and you might see the crater. The volcano does not often have violent eruptions and the most a visitor will probably see is spurts of steam and hot water coming from the crater.   A visitors area is fenced off with a spectacular view of the crater and surrounding fumaroles which are miniature geysers coming from deep holes in the earth surrounding  the mile wide crater.

The Poas Volcano National Park protects thirteen thousand acres of highland rain forest.  It's  unique highland Ecosystem is a wonderland of tropical vegetation-moses, bromeliads, and ferns. The most famous is  the giant umbrella plant.  Walking trails are well marked so one can get a very good  forty five minute work out hiking up to the old extinct crater lake.  Plus a second hiking trail carved out thru the highland rain forest which takes about twenty minutes.


Our adventure began on a cool December morning when the skies were clear and the sun's tropical warming was a delight.  Our car trip to the entrance to the park took around thirty minutes from Hotel Buena Vista,  a small mountain hotel, located on the road leading  from  Alajuela to the park.  We passed spectacular beauty of  verdant green coffee fields and black and white spotted dairy cows grazing along the mountain side.

We wanted to see the crater before the clouds closed in so we entered the park at 7:30 am.  Hiking up to the crater took about ten minutes and behold we could see the mile wide geyser sputtering up puffs of smoke and hot water.   Since we were out for a good work out, we climbed the -not so hard to climb steps- up to the old crater lake with its crystal blue water sparkling in the sunlight.  The hike up and back took about forty five minutes.   Back at the visitors center we visited the small interpretive display of the history of the volcano.   Hungry and thirsty we ventured into the coffee shop and experienced the most fabulous cup of freshly ground Costa Rica coffee along with a piece of homemade strawberry short cake made from fresh strawberries grown on the slopes of the Poas.

The gift shop is  filled with locally made arts and crafts.  A group  of local artist  were around to talk to us about their work.  I purchased one of the oils-very colorful bromeliads, umbrella plants, and ferns- painted in bright colors of yellow, orange, and green.

Lunch was down the mountain a bit at Fredda Fresas, a small family owned restaurant with typical Costa Rican food such as rice and black beans, fried plantains, yucca, cabbage salad, sauteed chicken in garlic sauce, and desert was a delicious home made flan (egg custard)  topped of with a great cup of freshly brewed Costa Rican coffee.

What a wonderful day!  Back at Hotel Buena Vista we settled in for the night to the sounds the pitter pat of rain drops on the tin roof-a very peaceful sound.





Thursday, June 28, 2012

Can I See A Quetzal In Monteverde?

Can I see a Quetzal in Monteverde? Yes, if you are lucky.  Although the Quetzal is listed as endangered,  the estimate as to how many live in and around the protected Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve-is over one thousand.  It's best to hire a naturalist guide when you start your hike through the Cloud Forest Reserve because they are familiar with  the area and know the habits of the Quetzal and where they nest.

Mayan Kings  and Aztec Nobility prized the quetzal's iridescence green tail feathers more than they prized gold., calling it "the bird of life"  symbolizing supreme freedom and wearing their feathers during ceremonies.   The Quetzal is the National Bird of Guatamala and it's symbol of liberty  carries it's name on the National currency. "The Quetzal"

Quetzals are monogamous birds and lay their eggs in a nest in holes of trees , similar to a woodpecker.  The female incubates through the night and then the male takes his turn sitting on the eggs during the day.  The males grow the long colorful tales during mating season to lure the females.

Monteverde, 4,000 feet above sea levels,  is a theatrical environment  of hundreds of different species of trees, plants, flowers, waterfalls, and swamps.  It is  shrouded  in  cloudy mists which seem to constantly linger with  occasional patches of brilliant sunlight bursting through forming shadows on the jungle floor.  This forms a perfect habitat for the splendid Quetzal.  We need to continue to preserve these precious rain forest , not allowing them to be cut down for logs and for clearing for pasture.

enjoy this beautiful video by Leo Neirr...Thank you Leo




Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Butterfly Conservatory Arenal Costa Rica


A nature regeneration project dedicated to the preservation, growth, and study of the rainforest with emphasis on BUTTERFLIES .  Here you can learn about the Life Cycle of the butterfly and it's incredible metamorphosis experience.  You can also view many species of frogs in their natural habitat. A knowledgeable guide will take you through six atrium habitats and teach how these creatures exist in the  natural environment of the rain forest.

You'll get a great work out by hiking along the Rainforest River Walk-takes about 45 minutes. If lucky you will see monkeys and a sloth.

The insect museum is a must for the curious.  It is extensive and you need to allow about one-half hour to see it all.  Entrance fee for the Butterfly Conservatory is approximately Twelve dollars per person.

To get to the Conservatory you should inquire for a tour at Desafio Tours in downtown La Fortuna  Or  simply hire a taxi to drive you, or if you have a rental car -it pretty easy to find.  You take the "bad" dirt road  to the left at the old police station (often there are no police here) . This station is located on the main road  going north  from downtown La Fortuna.  Go past Tabacon Hot Springs and you are close.  Watch for the dirt road which is only a left turn and this  takes you to El Castillo and then follow the signs to the Butterfly Conservatory.  Approx. 5-6 miles after you make the left turn.  The dirt road forks just after you pass over the river bridge--hang a right here and you are on the correct road, a few miles to a little settlement of El Castillo.

If you would like to have a wonderful, adventurous  vacation to Costa Rica then contact Ann The Costa Rica Expert to help you plan and design your  individualized itinerary just for you. Ann knows the Arenal Area "like the back" of her hand and get you set up with the adventure tours you want and the hotels you want.  She can design you itinerary in a way that will save you a great deal of time and also money.  Why spend hours searching the web to plan your own vacation ..Just let Ann do the work for you. You can contact her AND ALSO   read all about her and her work at    SO LETS GET STARTED!  Thanks so much to Elizabeth's Secret Garden Blog spot for this lovely video.




Sunday, May 20, 2012

Nayara Hotel in Arenal Costa Rica

Arenal Nayara Hotel Luxury Botique Hotel located in the shadow of the Mighty Arenal Volcano

Nayara Hotel, a Luxury Botique , located in Arenal Costa Rica is one of the most beautiful hotels in this country.  My client Dr Frysh from Atlanta and his friend Lora were recently there for 3 nights and stayed in a suite.  Dr. Frysh said the acommodations  were "over the top" ..."drop dead gorgeous". Large out door shower set in a tropical garden, hot tube on the patio surrounded by lush tropical vegetation,  King bed that was "fit for a King"  Hardwood floors made from local exotic wood.  Restaurant is an open air setting with superb service and gourmet food.

Each bungalow is separate and is surrounded with tropical flowers and exotic plants.  The following video shows wonderfully this most spectacular boutique hotel.  Bungalows start at around $250.00 plus 13% tax.

This video show the beauty of Hotel Nayara.  If you would like to include this special hotel in your Costa Rica vacation itinerary contact Ann, The Costa Rica Expert, owner of Costa Rica Learn Travel Company.    Simply email her  She will help you custom design your Vacation to perfectly fit your desires and budget.



Saturday, May 19, 2012

Travel Arenal to Monteverde, Boat-Van


There are several ways to travel from  Arenal to  Monteverde.   The easiest and quickest is to take the boat-van  transfer.   Board  a boat on Lake Arenal and then pick up a mini van at the other end of the lake- then a 1.5 hour bumpy ride on a dirt gravel road to Santa Elena -Monteverde.  (this is done by purchasing for around $30 from a tour company which picks you up at your hotel and takes you to Lake Arenal where you  board the covered boat.

All the major tour companies sell this transfer.  We choose Desafio Tour Company which has an office in La Fortuna.

Also you can get to Monteverde from Arenal by horseback.  But this is not for the "faint at heart"  Its around six hours and if recently rained  you stromp through a lot of mud.  This can be purchased from Desafio Tour company in La Fortuna.

If you are renting a car I do not recommend the drive from Arenal to Monteverde on the "back road" via Tiliran.  This is a very bad dirt gravel road filled with potholes-a tough drive and don't even atempt it without a 4x4 vehicle.  Takes around 5 hours from the Arenal volcano to get to Santa Elena-Monteverde.  Fill up with gasoline before departing.

You can drive your rental car back through San Ramon-take Highway 1 North.  Past the Puntarenas turn off -- go approx 8 miles (you are still on Highway 1) LOOK for the sign to Monteverde-  this is a paved road, turning into a dirt gravel road for the last ten miles.


On a sunny April morning , we recently made the trip from Volcano Lodge in Arenal to Rustic Lodge in Monteverde by Boat-Van.   Around 9 a.m. we were  picked up by Desafio Tour's mini van  and driven to Arenal Lake where we boarded a 30 passenger small  covered boat.  The Journey across Lake Arenal was beautiful, the sun shining on the dark blue water produced a mirror image of the puffy white clouds hovering over the mountains.  The loud iry sound of howler monkeys  came from the dense primary forest on the north face of Lake Arenal.  And the mighty Arenal was so clear, casting it's shadow across the Lake.  After a  short  ride across the lake,  we boarded a small mini van for the ride of our lives.  The road is dirt and gravel with hair pin curves.  So we bumpted our way straight up the mountain, passing serene landscapes of small villages and dairy farms.  Age old rain forest trees dotted the landscape,  such as the strangler fig-with three meter wide buttresses.  We felt like time stood still in this isolated rugged place called Monteverde.  Finally we were there and we all agreed-yes, a great adventure!    Our tired bodies checked into Rustic Lodge, promptly took a hot shower and lay down for a long nap.

Then the real fun began.  A very large gondola transported us slowly up to the top of a high mountain.  A gorgeous  day with heavy mist.  We were actually in a cloud and  we could distantly  see the Gulf of Nicoya to the West.   A group of black howler monkeys were serenading each other a few trees from our Sky Tram gondola.  And six large white graceful birds were building their nest from the twigs of a stranger fig tree. Our guide called them "scissor tail Kites"   (This  tour is called the Sky Tram)

I was a little frightened to "zip" back down  (Sky Trek)so we boarded the gondola gliding back down the mountain with views of green everywhere-a Real Rainforest!

We wanted to experience the Sky Walk where  we could experience up close a Real Rainforest.  Suspended bridges high up over the rain forest canopy where  we could actually reach out and touch the trees-  Hundreds of species  including the famous tree ferns were everywhere, almost too much for the eyes to behold!

At the end of the day-WOW!  a truly glorious day.

You can read more about what great tours Desafio Tour company offers both in Arenal and Monteverde    I highly recommend them.

Thinking of vacationing in Costa Rica?  Let Ann help you plan your itinerary to Arenal and combine it with Monteverde.     She  know the area very well and will save you time and money--Guaranteed!

Contact Ann at

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Projecto Asis Animal Rescue Center Costa Rica

Projecto Asis is a wild animal rescue center located near the Arenal Volcano and the little  town of La Fortuna.  You can visit the center on  your own or you can purchase a tour through Desafio Tours which has an office in La Fortuna.   Our guide was excellent  and  we saw white face monkeys, a baby deer which had lost is foot, a wounded pet raccoon which was very gentle and let your hold him,  and wild pigs whose mother had been killed.  Several species of birds call Asis home.  There are green parrots as well as a large family of ducks.  The grounds are tropical with many species of trees and plants.  A well maintained walking path makes it easy to hike through and see the birds and animals.

Asis Volunteer Center invites you to participate in their ecological and social volunteer program.  We saw several college students from the US who were there for a one month program where they studied and practiced Spanish  and also volunteered at the Center.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Poor Man's Paradise, Osa Peninsula

[caption id="attachment_4602" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Beach at Poor Man's Paradise"][/caption]


[caption id="attachment_4588" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Sunset Poor Man's Paradise"][/caption]


IMAGINE  a small village of 600 residents whose blood line goes back to Costa Rica’s indigenous people who  live off the land and more recently off tourism which is rapidly growing is this little tropical paradise. No electricity except for occasional  small diesel generators  running only a few hours of the day.  No television or video games.  No crime and no guns. Children run and play freely on the beach and learn to read and write in a one room school house with one teacher for forty students in grades one through  six.

It was a hot April morning  when we headed south out of  San Jose...a four hour bus ride taking us to Sierrpe where we boarded a small boat headed for  Poor Man’s Paradise, located in the Osa Peninsula- in the south western part  of Costa Rica.  Osa's   more outstanding geographical assets are it’s blue green Pacific  coastline with  sandy beige beaches,  and dense primary rain forest filled with hundreds of tropical birds, wild animals, and giant trees whose canopies  seems to reach the sky.

We had never visited this specific area of  the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica, so many pleasant surprises were in store for us.  Upon arrival we had to walk along a long stretch of sandy beige  beach lined with  primary rain forest-- trees with 4 meter wide buttresses.   Poor Man’s Paradise is located south of Drake Bay on the Osa Peninsula, and consists  of  ten rustic cabins nestled in a thicket of almond trees and lush tropical vegetation.  Best part  it’s  right on the beach.   No high rises, no condos.  Only these quaint little cabins made from local wood and tin roofs where you can hear the pitter patter  of the afternoon rains.   No electricity on the property except that produced by a small . generator and lasts about  three hours per day.  There is no TV.   Cell phone service does reach  “sometimes”.  Owned by the Amaya family- parents,  eight children and numerous grandchildren, the property was homesteaded forty years ago  and today retains its pristine natural beauty.

The accommodations are sparse, with no hot water and bed mattresses are hard.  The breeze from the ocean flows through the room and I can hear the Big Surf of the Pacific ocean.  I begin to relax and enjoy the tropical sounds.  The hammock on my balcony becomes my favorite resting place.  Afternoon showers patter down upon the tin roof...such a peaceful sound.

The strong under tow of the ocean prevents us from diving in for a quick swim. But the most gorgeous sunset beckons and the children from the near by village come to play in the edges of the waning surf.  Mothers gather to visit with their small babies in arms.

I hear the crackle of the almonds as the Scarlet Macaws are devouring them by the dozens.   I look overhead, over the canopy of the almond trees and see dozens of  Scarlets flying two by two- across a clear blue  sunny sky.

From Poor Man’s Paradise Lodge  one can hire  a guided  trek along a trail inside Corcovado National  Park, known for it’s giant primary rain forest- with  trees  hundreds of years old.  Here we find  one of the last remaining protected lowland rain forest in the world.

We hire a small boat to take us out to Cano Island Biological Reserve, a thirty minute ride from Poor Man’s Paradise.   Cano is best known for its snorkeling and scuba diving.   Among the coral reefs are many species of fish- big eye jacks, smaller manta rays, and reef sharks. Scuba diving is for beginners  with a certificate (about 40 feet depth)  And also for more advanced-deeper current dives.
No people live on Cano Island, only the rangers at the  station.  Robinson Crusoe's story could have been written here.  Lonely long stretches of beautiful beige sandy beaches  stretch for miles.  We hike up into the rain forest where we find  ancient burial grounds of  the Diquis indigenous people, and

[caption id="attachment_4585" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Strangler Fig Tree At Poor Man's Paradise"][/caption]

remnants of the  small perfectly round spheres molded from stones hundreds of years ago by these indigenous people

I would have loved to stay here longer, get to know the local people.   A Unique Earthly Paradise!

Price for the room  includes three meals.  Cost of the boat round trip  is extra and of course cost of getting to Sierrpe by land  and also by air is also extra.  Poor Man's Paradise has a package which includes transportation plus lodging.  You can book this by contacting    "The Costa Rica Learn Travel Company.


A  gravel road has just been completed from Drake Bay to this area!  And is passable in the dry season only.
This brings the four wheeled modern invention called the automobile, which means hoards of people who are not from this area will flock to this pristine paradise and there goes the peace and tranquility.    Although, money will be spent  in Poor Man’s small local restaurants and  Costa Ricans will pay  to pitch their tents on Poor Man’s  property as well as the other places on the beach and the economy related  to income will improve--is it worth it? .... To lose this special unique quality of life style which is "gone with the wind" in most parts of our world today?

Would you like to visit the beautiful Osa Peninsula?   Contact Vacation Planning to Costa Rica by Ann, the Costa Rica Expert  Contact her:      She can design for you the perfect vacation to this most pristine region of Costa Rica.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Typical Costa Rican Food

[caption id="attachment_4580" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Casada-typical plate of Costa Rica"][/caption]

Typical Costa Rican Food as experienced by my friend Jack who also writes a travel blog.

The Great Culinary of Costa Rica-Typical Costa Rican food. In Costa Rica it's really interesting how the people cook well,  but with simple recipes. The dishes are basically made with rice, beans, maize, vegetables and bananas! The famous and delicious bananas! Most of the time, this basics recipes are complemented with fish, beef or chicken. One of the cheapest foods in Costa Rica is basically this, in most cases that's the lunch meal and it's amazing! The name is Casada. A plate with simple Costa Rican Food- rice, black beans, platanos topped with fresh sour cream,  shredded cabbage, and a meat such as chicken, beef, or fish.  And a fresh fruit drink.
In some places the breakfast is what they call "Gallo Pinto", a really good meal with the rice and  beans of one day before mixed and milled. The dish counts too with some eggs, corn tortillas and cream sauce. In some places the dish comes also with cilantro, bell pepper and onion a little bit fried.  It's really good! And as a finish point sometimes they include one local sauce that is called Salsa Lizano and gives that special touch to the recipe.
The  Costa Rican coffee is always a drink  at the breakfast,  also they have the água dulce (with a dark yellow sugar) and the marvelous fresh natural juices. There is a rumor about the country that you shouldn't drink too much juice or things like that in some places, mostly with ice, because the ice may not be made from filtered water, but the truth is that ANY juice in Costa Rica is really good, and in a general way they are safe to drink, so don't worry!
Costa Rica has other typical and really great dishes, such as the following ones:
Arroz Guacho: a kind of rice cooked in a way that becames sticky;
Higado en Salsa: a kinf of beef liver in Sauce -
Escaveche: kind of chicken with a different marinaide vinagrette sauce;
Papas con Chorizo: really good chorizo sausage with potatoes;
Barbudos: a great and different omelet of beans;
Mondongo: minced beans  with beef.
More than this dishes you can experiment the tapas, hmm!! You have the following ones: Platanos Maduros, Platanos Asados, Pejibayes, Picadillo de Chayote con Elote, Picadillo de Papaya Verde and Picadillo de Vainicas.
And at last, you can experiment this dishes in some street markets Saturdays! The country has some restaurants of international food, since the Brazilian till the Spanish and oriental, if you don't like the marvelous Costa Rican food you can also opt any others.
I'm from Brazil, and i love to travel! I love the Costa Rica Learn Blog and everytime i have the opportunity i follow all the tips! My blog is :  mostly about travelling but i also enjoy cooking and restaurantes so if you are from Brazil and enjoy this i also recommend this website:  . Sometimes I find some

[caption id="attachment_4577" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Fresh Mangos"][/caption]

great places with different international food, and some are really similar to the Costa Rican!!!
Best regards to all the readers of Costa Rica Learn and to the sweet Ann, that negotiate this marvelous partnership with me and my blog!!
Jack, From Brazil

The first photo is of a typical Costa Rican lunch plate called "Casada"  rice, black beans, fried plaintan, shredded beef,  cabbage and beet salad,  tortilla, picadilla de papas (potatoes chopped with onions and salsa lizano)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sharon Koenig's family vacation by Ann, the Costa Rica Travel Expert

Sharon and her husband and 6 year old son took a vacation to Costa Rica Feb 8-18, 2012.   Ann, The Costa Rica Travel Expert,  helped Sharon with the vacation planning and here is what Sharon had to say.

To Ann from Sharon Koenig (Family of three)

Hello Ann,
Our vacation to Costa Rica was really great!  The Solid Car Rental Company worked out really well. We were so pleased to have our hotel pick us up at the airport and drop us off when we departed. It really made our travel experience stress free. The car worked out well. However, I would recommend that others follow your advice and rent a slightly larger 4WD. The Jimmy worked just fine but b/c of its' short wheel base, it was not particularly comfortable on the dirt roads -- the only roads -- to Mal Pais. The roads weren't even bad! The agent from Solid Rental Car came to our hotel with the car just as scheduled on the morning after our arrival and the paperwork was just as expected. We returned the car to our hotel on our final day in CR and another agent picked it up. It was very easy and just as planned. No surprises.

Hotel Buena Vista , near the airport was beautiful and a wonderful first/last night room for us. I was concerned about finding it on our own on the return trip but it is sooo easy.... one road from the airport directly up the mtn to the hotel, no more than 15  minutes, absolutely peaceful and not one beep of traffic b/c we were essentially out of town.

Our stay  the Playa Selva Tree House in Mal Paisfor 3 nights was really good.

[caption id="attachment_4551" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Costa Rica Sunset"][/caption]

The last 4 nights our stay at the  Pachamama was also really good.  The owner Franz is an absolute gem of a person. We stayed in the big house and it was gorgeous. The gardens are perfect. We mingled with the other guests -- 2 young couples. Franz arranged and joined us for a Valentine's dinner 5 minutes away up on the hill at Brisas del Mar. Gorgeous views and fabulous food.

The best swimming beach is directly across from the main intersection of Mal Pais/Playa Carmen when you enter the town -- 5 minutes from the places we stayed. We drove everywhere b/c the dust from other cars is too much -- although  we are big walkers at home.  The beaches in front of our property were rocky -- not okay at all for swimming but nice for walking and watching sunsets.

Thanks for your help in planning our C Rica Vacation.  We will definitely recommend you--you can use our name and email as a reference.
Regards,  Sharon and family

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Testimonial- the Joseph's Vacation to Costa Rica

Ann designed an itinerary for Andrea and Dave Joseph's Vacation 

[caption id="attachment_4470" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Bromeliad at Arenal"][/caption]

to Costa Rica   January 2012.

Here is what they had to say.

We are back from our wonderful trip and want to thank you again for your help. We really enjoyed our tours (although that's the first and last time I will ever do a zip line!) and found both Desafio and Iguana to be very good outfits with knowledgeable guides. The Volcano Lodge in Arenal was quite nice  - the people were friendly and helpful and the room very clean and comfortable although I would grade the food as just passable. Tabacon was great - but in hindsight I would do that last to relax after the zip line. David enjoyed his canyoneering and said its good he didn't try to convince me to go!
La Mariposa is a beautiful setting with the nicest people and the food was excellent. They upgraded us to a room with an ocean view so that was very nice. My only complaint is that their mattresses are very hard. We really enjoyed the tours of the Mangroves and the National Park and getting up into the  rain forest  area on horseback was fun - if a little challenging. The dinner that was provided after that at a ranch was quite delicious.
Ending the trip at Buena Vista was terrific - the rooms are so comfortable (and good mattresses!), and the food was delicious, and again the people were so gracious and helpful. We had the tour of Doka, which I did enjoy - just learning more about coffee for me was very interesting. I found it disappointing that all through Costa Rica the coffee is not very strong and they don't have cream - only milk or hot milk, so I did not enjoy it as much as I had hoped, but bought lots to make at home the way I like it and as gifts.
Here's what I can tell you about shuttles: DO NOT RECOMMEND GRAY LINE TO ANYONE! It turns out that they combine tours and shuttles and if you happen to get on a shuttle with a tour, you get kidnapped! Maybe we should have been tipped off by the fact that there was a driver and a guide who proceeded to tell us about things as we were driving, but we thought maybe that's just the way it was on shuttles. We got to La Fortuna where they dropped off several people staying in town, and then proceeded to drive right by our hotel and refused to drop us off because they had a family they had to take to Lake Arenal and then to Tabacon first.

Anyway, we loved Costa Rica and hope to return again some day and thanks you again Ann for all you knowledgable planning for us.  I would not have gone as smoothly--we wasted no time.

If you are planning a vacation to Costa Rica Ann is the expert to set it up for you.  It definitely saved us time and money and made our adventure vacation more relaxing and fun.

Contact ann at

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Manuel Antonio, Most Beautiful Beaches in Costa Rica


I would like to share with you this wonderful Manuel Antonio Video is by Bazhe.  please visit to view more of his fabulous videos plus his oil on canvas paintings, poetry, and short stories.


Friday, January 27, 2012

Testimonial: The kaplinsky Family Vacation to Costa Rica

Zip Line at ArenalBy Ellen Kaplinsky:  Ann The Costa Rica Travel Expert- designed Ellen and Bob  and her family of one son and two daughters--  an adventure vacation to Costa Rica over the Holiday Season-December 2011.  They had nine days in Costa Rica and went to Arenal Volcano area and to the beach.  They choose the central Pacific area of Jaco  for their  beach vacation.

Here is what Ellen had to say:  We  enjoyed our vacation to Costa Rica very much!  Hotel Nayara (Arenal) was an amazing resort, great rooms and wonderful food. It was voted by our kids to be the favorite hotel of all the trips we have taken as a family. The adventure activities in and around Arenal  were great!  And each of us participated in all the outdoor activities.

Tabacon Hot Springs, horseback ride to Arenal Waterfall,  Zip line tour,  and ATV Tour were among the fun adventure things we did at Arenal.  Ann set all this  up for us and we had a smooth, stress free-fun  time with the family.

On the central pacific town of Jaco we stayed at a condominuim which I choose called Oceans of the Palms and enjoyed swimming and surfing in the Pacific at the unique black sand beach.

The kids  enjoyed the little town of Jaco with a very "Costa Rican" atmosphere.  We had lunch at a  typical Costa Rican restaurant and did some shopping for local arts and crafts made of very colorful native wood.

Ann, thanks for all your help in planning so a wonderful experience!   I will pass your name and email should anyone want an adventure filled vacation to Costa Rica.

You may contact Ann:


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Testimonial. "Wonderful Travel Adventure Vacation to Costa Rica" Designed by Ann, The Costa Rica Travel Planner

Ann designed the itinerary for Ester and Emmet's ten day travel adventure vacation  in July 2010.   Here is what they has to say:

“Ann, The Costa Rica Travel planner ,  Allowing Ann to "design"  our  the trip to Costa Rica made it a wonderful and stress-free adventure for my husband and I!  Her expert knowledge of the country and its top attractions allowed us to plan the trip of a lifetime and leave feeling we saw everything we could have wanted to from monkeys and sloths, rain forests,  volcanoes and beautiful  Tortuguero canals.

[caption id="attachment_4389" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Emmet and Esther"][/caption]

Ann's  help in finding places to stay that were wonderful and within our budget and transport between locations made trip planning a breeze before hand and travel in the country stress-free as we didn’t have to worry about getting from place to place. Traveling with Ann was always fascinating as she has extensive knowledge of the country and the people. If you love nature and animals, I would highly recommend a trip to Costa Rica and contact Ann so you will be sure to enjoy the best this country has to offer!        Contact Ann The Costa Rica Travel Planning Expert”  at

Written by:  Emmet and Esther Loney, July 2011

Itinerary included- Central Valley- Hotel Buena Vista located in a mountain settings with gorgeous cool, clean air  with views Poas Volcano.  Day tour Poas Volcano National Park and lunch at Chubascos,  typical Costa Rican cuisine.   Four Generations Doka Coffee Plantation Tour.

Three Day Tour Tortuguero  National Park and the Tortuguero Canals along  Caribbean Coast.   Turtle nesting region.  Monkeys, sloths, toucans, lush tropical vegetation, crocodiles, manatees,  and green parrots.  Lush tropical jungle setting.

Arenal Observatory Lodge-Arenal Volcano.  Sky Tram and Zip line tour,  horseback riding to La Fortuna Waterfall,  Butterfly Gardens,  Tabacon Hot Springs with dinner.

Northern Region- Blue River (Rio Azul)     Rio Celeste Hideaway Hotel   Hike to the Blue River (Rio Celeste) in the Tenorio Volcano National Park, swim in Blue River under the eight foot waterfall,  Day Trip to explore the limestone caverns at Barra Honda National Park.


Friday, January 6, 2012


Ann“Design a Costa Rica  TRAVEL ADVENTURE Vacation” by Ann The COSTA RICA Travel Planner EXPERT

Costa Rica Travel Adventure  Vacation Planning:  “Design a Costa Rica Vacation”  by Ann, “The  Costa Rica Travel Planning Expert"   Take advantage of this unique service!  Let Ann design  the land portion  for your individualized vacation itinerary for your   Costa Rica vacation.  It’s easy and it will not cost you any extra money.  In fact you will save money and time.

Because Ann lives part of the year in Costa Rica and has worked many years in the Costa Rica Travel Industry,  she knows the distances, road conditions,  and time needed  to drive to popular tourist destinations, therefore, saving you time .  She knows the best hotels and travel adventure tours to suit your desires and  your budget.  She has knowledge of the different and diverse regions of the rain forest and the beaches and  the weather patterns in each.   She is an expert on  the  National Parks,  including the popular Arenal Volcano area and  Manuel Antonio National Park and all the adventure tours and other activities offered there. She can set up car rentals to be delivered to your hotel door on the day you arrive.  Or  if you wish, she can arrange private transportation.   Truely Ann offers a unique servi

ABOUT ANN:  Ann has been working in the Costa Rica Travel Industry as a Travel Agent specializing in individualized  Costa Rica travel adventure vacation itineraries  for  fifteen years and  lives part of the year  in Costa Rica,  along with her husband, Ken Creed, a professional videographer who has worked for National Geographic. So she knows the country like “the back of her hand” She has traveled to the most popular tourist destinations, from the mountains and rainforest to the beaches of the Pacific and the Caribbean.   So her advice is given from the  perspective of one who has visited or stayed in  the hotels and has done the adventure tours, and is familiar with the tour companies which have proven track records.     By following her to "Design"  your Costa Rica Vacation, you  will travel easier, smarter, and cheaper.  Thus have a relaxed-fun filled vacation!

Ann and her husband Ken  have made a travel adventure video on Costa Rica’s most popular tourist destinations   Ken, a professional videographer  has twenty five years of experience in the  travel adventure video business.  His works  have been selected by National Geographic to be shown at Constitutional Hall in Washington D.C. and Carnegie Music Hall in Pittsburgh, Pa.  Together Ken and Ann created the  58 minute adventure travel video “Costa Rica a Travel Adventure Spectacular”    This Costa Rica Travel video will help you better plan a vacation.  It highlights the most popular  National Parks and Adventure Tours.  To see a 3 minute trailer  (and purchase the video -if you wish)  go to the top of the home page of  and click on Buy Our Video.


First you  email Ann  You and Ann discuss  by email and phone which areas  you would like to visit in Costa Rica.  Ann will offer suggestions of the most popular destinations and places to see the most spectacular tropical beauty and wildlife of Costa Rica, and answer all  your questions.    If you have CHILDREN or TEENAGERS  Ann will suggest the best options for a family travel adventure vacation.

Together you will choose the hotels, mode of ground transportation, and adventure tours you wish to take.  Ann will  design an itinerary, price it, and email it to you. How does the money work?  You pay with your credit card to the hotels, tours, ground transportation and receive vouchers from each segment.  Your credit card is taken to guarantee and is not charged until you check out or finish the tours.  Cancellation policies are explained by Ann.    Then, after your travel adventure  Costa Rica vacation is finished,  Ann receives commissions directly from each of the hotels, tours, etc which you take.  (no extra charge to you, no hidden fees)

   Contact Ann       TO  "Design Your Costa Rica Travel Adventure Vacation"