Saturday, December 15, 2012

December High Tourism Season in Costa Rica-Weather is Beautiful!

December begins high tourist season in Costa Rica  and the weather is dry and sunny especially in the central valley of Alajuela and San Jose as well as the gorgeous beaches of NW Pacific Guanacaste and central Pacific of Jaco and Manuel Antonio.

Christmas season in December in Costa Rica. Yes,  everyone is out enjoying the sunny weather  and hurrying  about doing  their Christmas shopping.  Homes are decorated with brightly colored lights.  The Christian Religion is taken very seriously and manger scenes of Baby Jesus are visible in front of many homes and all the churches.

Employees receive a 13th salary in the month of December so there is extra money to spend and all are in the buying mood.  Stores are very crowded and all are in the joyful holiday spirit of giving.

Midnight mass on Christmas Eve-December 24th is the most important religious occasion.   And then on 25th many families head out to the beaches to stay until January 2nd.

Also the beaches are covered with tourists -young and old.  Surfing, sunbathing, or just lounging around the pool--all seem to be basking in the warm sunshine after 6 months of rainy season in Costa Rica or escaping the snowfall in North America.

The Spaniards brought Christianity to Costa Rica in the early 1500s.  And their architecture is reflected in many Catholic churches around the country. And still today, Costa Rica is predominately Catholic.  Catholic religion is taught in the public school so there is no separation of church and state.

So from from all of us at costaricalearn  we wish you a merry Christmas and a very prosperous New Year!

[caption id="attachment_4861" align="alignleft" width="640" caption="Catholic Church San Ramon"][/caption]

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