Saturday, December 15, 2012

December High Tourism Season in Costa Rica-Weather is Beautiful!

December begins high tourist season in Costa Rica  and the weather is dry and sunny especially in the central valley of Alajuela and San Jose as well as the gorgeous beaches of NW Pacific Guanacaste and central Pacific of Jaco and Manuel Antonio.

Christmas season in December in Costa Rica. Yes,  everyone is out enjoying the sunny weather  and hurrying  about doing  their Christmas shopping.  Homes are decorated with brightly colored lights.  The Christian Religion is taken very seriously and manger scenes of Baby Jesus are visible in front of many homes and all the churches.

Employees receive a 13th salary in the month of December so there is extra money to spend and all are in the buying mood.  Stores are very crowded and all are in the joyful holiday spirit of giving.

Midnight mass on Christmas Eve-December 24th is the most important religious occasion.   And then on 25th many families head out to the beaches to stay until January 2nd.

Also the beaches are covered with tourists -young and old.  Surfing, sunbathing, or just lounging around the pool--all seem to be basking in the warm sunshine after 6 months of rainy season in Costa Rica or escaping the snowfall in North America.

The Spaniards brought Christianity to Costa Rica in the early 1500s.  And their architecture is reflected in many Catholic churches around the country. And still today, Costa Rica is predominately Catholic.  Catholic religion is taught in the public school so there is no separation of church and state.

So from from all of us at costaricalearn  we wish you a merry Christmas and a very prosperous New Year!

[caption id="attachment_4861" align="alignleft" width="640" caption="Catholic Church San Ramon"][/caption]

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What is a Horse "Tope" ?

A horse tope is a traditional parade of horses which is very popular in Costa Rica.  Both the horses and the riders dress up in their finest for this big event.   Many of the saddles are trimmed in real silver.  The horses prance and dance much to their owners delight.   It is in a sense a competition to see whose horse can prance and perform the best.

December is a great month to attend a horse tope.  Many of the small town host their own and San Jose has a very large one usually on December 26th.

Many of the horses are of Andalusian (Spanish) breed and are gorgeous animals.  Alajuela hosts a large tope usually on March 1st every year.

Here is a website that tells when many of the topes are held and the location and times.

Click here to see a Horse Tope




Sunday, December 2, 2012

Vacation Planner Costa Rica

[caption id="attachment_4841" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Rain forest 300 years old"][/caption]

Why would I want to hire a vacation planner to help me with my itinerary planning for my vacation to Costa Rica?  I can go on the internet and find everything I want to do and choices of hotels.

Well, a vacation planner like Ann at  could make a big difference for you.  Yes, the internet will give you a lot of information but it cannot give you the details like Ann can.  She can tell you the distances and driving times to and from the most popular tourist destinations in Costa Rica.  If you look at a map the distances look short but these roads are mountainous and driving times are much longer than they appear on the map.

The Hotels Ann recommend have been visited by her and checked by her.  The website of a property can say what they want to about their property.

The car rental company she recommends has been used many times by her and her clients so she know they are reliable and competitive with pricing.

Ann has been working in Costa Rica tourism for 12 years so she knows her product and offers you testimonials from her satisfied clients.   She listens to what you would like to do, the time you have,  and most of all your budget  (yes, she can make it affordable) and "matches it all up for you"

She will put the "pieces of the puzzle" together and in the end you will spend  your vacation time more wisely and with much less frustration if you try and do it by yourself just with the internet.

She is paid by commission by the properties and products she sell so there is no additional cost for you.  OR  you can have Ann design your itinerary and you can book it yourself and simply pay her a fee.  Typically a 7 day vacation itinerary is around $75-$100.  And this amount of money you will get back right away by savings on the itinerary she designs.

So get started planning that affordable vacation to Costa Rica today!  It's simple-This is all done by email and phone.  Simply click here

[caption id="attachment_4836" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Arenal volcano"][/caption]



Saturday, December 1, 2012

Marie-France Grenouillet- Photography Costa Rica

Mair-France Grenouillet is a French woman who travels the world capturing beautiful and rare wildlife images.  She visited Costa Rica and has a wonderful collection of wildlife photography which I would like to share with you.  After her web page is open be sure to click on slide show. You will really enjoy it!

click here

Costa Rica's Red Eye Tree Frog

Wandering through the Costa Rica rain forest the other day my friend Renee and I stumbled upon a beautiful small green frog, about the size of a small tea cup, and when we picked up the green leaf it was hidden under, all of a sudden, it's vivid scarlet  eyes popped out and its body turned even a brighter green and spread wide its small yellow webbed feet.  About the cutest frog I have ever seen!  It as a Red Eye Tree Frog.  Lucky us-- because although these frogs are not yet endangered, it's a rare delight to see one.

Costa Rica's rainforest is home to hundreds of these little frogs and  it's highly recognizable image is used to promote "saving the world's rainforest"

This  friendly, non venomous creature, doesn't mind having  his photograph taken.  Here are 2 beautiful photos.  Thanks to National Geographic  (first photo) and  also to Marie-France Grenouillet, a French woman who is a professional photographer who travels the world capturing beautiful and rare wildlife images. (Second  photo)

You can see more of Marie's beautiful photographs taken in Costa Rica

Click here