Monday, June 30, 2014

Costa Rica Learn

Costa Rica Learn

Problems with Buying Real Estate in Costa Rica

Posted: 29 Jun 2014 09:12 PM PDT

This is a testimonial from Jean McNight
I wouldn’t recommend buying land in Costa Rica unless it is already developed and has infrastructure. I bought 2 pieces of property in different places in 2006. The developer abandoned both properties. One of the properties was taken over by a Mafiosa guy who burned down the caretaker’s house an locked up the access road. The other piece of property is trying to be developed by an owner’s group but the government is dragging their feet with a well drilling permit. Apparently a neighboring property has waited 5 years so far. Real Estate in CR and all the associated legal business is a cottage industry. There is no incentive to resolve ownership or development issues. You just keep paying the taxes and attorney’s fees until you decide to give up, and they sell the property again to some other fool.

I have written several post related to buying property in Costa Rica.  And the main thing I emphasize is absentee ownership.  Even if you property is “managed by someone”

You should NOT leave your property unattended unless you have someone living on it–someone that you know and trust.

And as Mr. McNight states raw land that is not yet developed–well that is a No, No.

Land and home prices in Costa Rica are highly speculative..making it difficult to determine the “market price for a property”  There are no multiple listing like we have in USA to help investigate the going market price for property.  And real estate sale persons are not licensed by the government.

Please read this:





Poas Volcano in the Central Valley Costa Rica- Big Tourist Attraction

Posted: 29 Jun 2014 09:00 PM PDT


The Poas Volcano is putting on a show.  Here are some photos of it’s recent activity.  This activity is not severe enough to cause any harm to tourist who come to view the beautiful geyser.

If you are vacationing in Costa Rica and want a wonderful day outing in the central valley, then take a tour to the Poas Volcano National Park.  It is only thirty five minutes from Alajuela.  The walk from your vehicle to the crater is around 10 minutes and the eco system is gorgeous with dozens of huge “poor man umbrella” plants along your path.  There are two hiking trails within the park.  One takes forty five minutes  and leads you up to the  picturesque old crater lake.  The other path gives you a brisk hike through a dense rainforest and this one takes thirty minutes.  Be sure to stop at the  park coffee shop for a delicious cup of Costa Rican coffee.  Also there is a small natural history museum of the volcano and its surroundings.

On the way back down from the National park stop at one of several “Tico” Restaurants  for a delicious typical Costa Rican lunch .  My favorite is Freda Fressa-a family owned small restaurant which serves very typical food such as rice and black beans with grilled chicken, fried plantains, tortillas, and cabbage slaw.  Natural fruit drinks are also their specialty.  My favorite is Papaya in milk made into a smoothie.

If you would like to arrange a day outing to the Poas Volcano National Park, contact Ann, The Costa Rica Expert.

vocano062614 290x300 Poas Volcano in the Central Valley Costa Rica  Big Tourist Attraction



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